Last week I didn't post but I will catch you up on some things that we did in class. We worked hard on identifying and inferring characters feelings in a story; blending and decoding short o words; we discussed and recognized the subject and predicate parts of a sentence. We learned that the subject is who or what the sentence is about while the predicate is the action part of the sentence. In Math we compared numbers and learned the greater than, less than, equal to symbols. We learned a little trick that helps us to remember that the alligator always eats the greater number. We started Science and observed clouds. We understand that clouds hold the water that causes rain. We learned the Water Cycle Song.
This week we will read ""Sitting Down to Eat" and "The Goose that Got Loose." Both books are rhyming texts and we will listen for rhyming words in the story. We will make predictions about the stories; discuss new vocabulary heard in the stories; read plural -s words; inflectional -ing words; discuss abc order; and main idea and details in a story.
We will start AR this week. I will send home your child's AR username and password once we get started with this in class. You can test at home as well. It's an online reading resource so the internet is needed.
In Math we will use manipulatives to add and subtract numbers to 10. We will use blocks, and other objects to help us add and subtract.
In Science we will discuss Properties and Patterns. We will describe an objects properties such as its size, texture, sound, etc.
Sept 4-11 ~ Book FairSept 10 ~ Mr & Miss CES Fundraiser begins
Sept 11 ~ Kona Ice Snowcones (cost is $2, $3, $4, $5)
Sept 13 ~ Fall Pictures
Sept 19 ~ Back to School Picnic (12:05-12:50 during our lunch time on the playground. You can bring a blanket or lawn chair if you would like to come and eat and visit with your child)
Sept 27 ~ Back to School Ball (Children can wear formal or church clothing. There will be refreshments, face painting, dancing, and the crowning of Mr & Miss CES)
Oct 8-14 ~ Fall Break
And this is just a "part" of what we are doing in class!
Thanks for dropping by...see you next week!
xoxo Ms. Harris' Class♥
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