Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018 Day 68

I hope that all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I enjoyed myself so much with my family and friends.  I ate a lot of delicious food, played games with my family, and the most special thing was playing with my two grandsons Kash and Karter and watching them play together.  I'm very thankful for all the blessings in my life.  

The boys and girls were excited to share what they did during the break. We wrote about what we did and everyone had so much to write about.  Some went out of town, some went to the movies, and some stayed at home and watched tv.  We all ate, laughed and enjoyed our time off.  

We have learned so much this month!  The students are reading and eagerly taking AR tests everyday.  We have several students that have already gotten their first and second AR shirts.  I'm so proud of them!  Troy, Lucas, Maliyah and Tate have all earned AR shirts so far!  We have many more students that are a few points away from earning their shirt. We are zooming in reading! ☺

We are reading Kevin Henkes books, and working on telling the summary of the stories; reading words with long vowels, and vowel digraphs; recognizing when a word has plural -s; identifying the plot of a story; recognizing nouns and verbs; putting words in abc order; identifying cause and effect; and sequencing events. 

In Math we are adding and subtracting numbers to 20 using manipulatives.  We are counting with cubes, a number line and counting on from a number.  

In Social Studies we are learning about different customs, traditions and celebrations all over the world.  We discussed and wrote about traditions that our families have.

Upcoming Events...
December 18 ~ CES Christmas Program at CMS Auditorium
December 20 ~ Christmas Party
December 21 ~ Movie/Pajamas and Early Release
December 24-January 9 ~ Christmas Break

      Our brains are busy learning new things everyday in class!

                                        Happy Birthday!

Thanksgiving Lunch with our Families!

 Thanks for visiting us this month.  We will have lots more classroom adventures to share in December.  ♥

Friday, November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018 Day 53

Hello everyone!  We are back!  We have been super busy since our last post.  We just celebrated Red Ribbon Week, our first A-Team field trip, and the 50th day of school all last week!  WHEW! 

SHOUTOUT!  We had two friends earn 25 AR points.  Congrats to Troy and Lucas!  Outstanding job in reading!


 Lucas will get his shirt this week so picture coming soon!  

We had been reading Fountas & Pinnell Interactive Read Aloud books.  Some of the titles that we read this past month were Papa and Me, When the Relatives Came to Town, A Birthday Basket for Tia, Bob and Leon, Wallace's List, The Magic Rabbit, and lots more.  We have learned how to sequence story events; identify cause and effect; read contraction words and identify the two words that make a contraction; clap syllables in words; rhyme words, make inferences; discuss the author's purpose for writing a story and much more.  We are practicing writing complete sentences that start with a capital letter, correct spacing, appropriate punctuation, and correct sentence structure (make sure it makes sense).

In Math we worked on graphing; addition and subtraction; telling time to the hour; and this week place value to 99.

Science has been investigating forms of energy and discussing the forms of light, heat, and sound;  we've explored how magnets attract and repel other objects; and how objects move.

We will start our next unit of Social Studies by exploring customs, traditions, and celebrations.  We will learn about the past and compare celebrations, customs, and traditions to then and now.

Upcoming Events...
Nov 8-16  ~ Book Fair
Nov 8  ~ International Night
Nov 13 ~ Kona Ice
Nov 19-23  ~ Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 18  CES ~  Christmas Musical 
Dec 21-Jan 9  ~ Christmas Holiday

Lots of activities this month...

                                    Exploring Magnets

                                                                    50's Day!

                            Austin was crowned Mr. CES

                                                           A-Team Field Trip

                                                  A-Team parade around the school

                                                      SSR Time = Sit, Silently & Read

                              Playing a card game to reinforce greater than/less than in Math

                                                            Introducing "Blends"

                                                                       Fun Friday!

                                                            Lunch and a Movie

Clean Desk Award! 
                    The Clean Desk Fairy visits us when she finds a neat and clean desk.                                 She leaves a note and a treat!

  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy your family and friends and eat lots of good food!  We'll see you in December!                                                         ❤ Ms. Harris' Class ❤