Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 30-April 3, 2015 Week 28

We had a super week!  The weather was beautiful!  We finally walked to the store. We connected our store trip to math and social studies.  We learned the value of money and also about goods and services AND buyers and sellers.

                                 We are off to the store!

                             YAY!  We had so much fun!

This week in learning we will read "Henry and Mudge."  We will blend and read words with suffixes -ly and -ful; identify cause and effect; use adjectives that compare -er and -est;  blend and read words with vowel digraph "oo"; and decode, and read words and short paragraphs from Saxon Phonics.

 Math - Time to the Half-Hour and continue practice with fractions.   

Science - Objects in the Sky (sun, moon, and stars)

 Social Studies - Making Economic Choices 

April 2 - Progress Reports
April 3 - Early Release at 11:50
April 15 - Children's Museum 
April 23 - Report Cards
May 6 - TAMU Planetarium (cost is $4)
May 13 - Tyler Zoo Trip
May 27 - AR Glowing Bowling
May 28 - First Grade Picnic
June 2 - Field Day
June 5 - Last Day of School

              Learning about fractions sure taste GOOD!

                             Thanks for visiting our blog! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 23-27, 2015 Week 27

Welcome back everyone!  I hope that you all had a super Spring Break!  It looks like we will have some warm and beautiful weather this week. We have been anxiously waiting to walk to the store and it looks like we will get to make the trip this week.  YAY!  :)

In Reading this week we will read a fictional story called "Peter's Chair."  We will blend and read words with vowel digraph "ue, ew, ui"; identify the theme in a story; use adjectives to tell how many; and put two words together to make compound words; we will practice decoding, and reading words and passages in Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will have fun learning and eating fractions.  We will learn about parts of a set and equal parts.  We will have some edible fractions to share into equal parts.

In Science we will explore Objects in the Sky. We will learn facts about the sun, moon, and the stars.

In Social Studies we will learn how to make economic choices.  We will review needs and wants and students will learn the difference between goods and services.  (For example buying a banana at the store is a good; and getting a haircut is a service that is being provided.)

On Wednesday, March 25 we will take group pictures. Students may wear non-standardized clothing to take their pictures in.  

We will go to the Tyler Zoo on May 13.  A permission slip and trip information will be sent home as the date gets closer. 

I have the hardest working students on the planet! 

Making 2D shapes on GEO boards!

We labeled the continents and cardinal directions!  
Have them sing our "continent" song.

         You guys work so hard and it shows in the beautiful                                         quality work that you create!  Thanks!

                                 Meet Mrs. Taylor our TAMU student observer!

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015

We had a BUSY week!  Just wanted to share some highlights of our week before we exit for "Spring Break."  First let me say thanks parents for coming to Open House. The boys and girls worked extremely hard this year and it was wonderful to share our work with you. 

                 We had a "Texas Hoedown" on Wednesday!

Avery got chosen to go on stage and "Boot Scoot Boogie"

We have been guessing all week trying to figure out who our next "Mystery Reader" is and now... 

                              Will the "Mystery Reader" please come in...?
Mrs. Harrison!!!

Yes Madeline H., you were on the right track, it was your

Thanks Mrs. Harrison!  We enjoyed you!  

Surprise Surprise! 2 of my former students came to visit! They still look the same as they did in first grade!  So proud of them! 

Thanks TaKayla for stopping by!  TaKayla is a sophomore at DeSota ISD.

Thanks Chaney Moreland for taking time out to read to us!  Chaney is in Nursing School in Tyler.

Mrs. Kilgore taught us about "Gaggle" and how to send an email to a friend!  They were excited to see the emails pop up!  

Madeline K. already knew what to do!  Her inbox was full!  LOL!

We didn't get to walk to the store today, BUT we will try again after we come back from Spring Break.  I'm sure the rain will stop soon?!!!  It is so needed right now!  

Have a fabulous Spring Break!  I will see you all on March 23!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 9-13, 2015 Week 26

YAY!  We survived the last couple of weeks of weather and I am so looking forward to having great weather this week!  We have many things going on at CES this week... 

On Tuesday at 5:30-6:30 we will have Open House.  I hope that you all will get to drop by and see all the wonderful classwork that your child has been doing.  We have worked very hard this year and I can hardly believe the year is almost over.  

The next day will be Western Wednesday and students can wear western clothes.  YAHOO! 

On Friday my class and I will walk to the store at the end of the road.  Please send $1.00 with your child.  We always walk to the store after learning about money in math.  The weather has been so cold and rainy so that is why we are going at this time.  I have an TAMU observer who will accompany us and help with the students.  This will also be a great way for students to learn about financial literacy.  They will get to see how much a dollar will buy and learn about tax!  LOL!!!

This week in learning we will read "A Southern Ranch."  This is a story about things that happen on a ranch. It goes right along with our "Texas" Open House theme!  Our reading skills are to identify facts and details; blend and read words with long i sound spelled ie, igh; use adjectives; and consonant patterns wr, kn.

In Math we will identify and create objects using 2D shapes.

In Science we will discuss weather and seasons.

In Social Studies we will discuss maps and the 4 cardinal directions.

Upcoming Events...
March 10...Open House 5:30-6:30
March 16-20...Spring Break
March 25...Spring Group Pictures
March 26...First Grade Dental Program
May 13...Caldwell Tyler Zoo

Remember parents we work hard in class but we also need your help with reading and practicing spelling words at home.  

Thanks for all you do to help us!

Have a great, fun, and relaxing Spring Break!  :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2-6, 2015 Week 25

First let me say thanks to all the sweet and thoughtful boys and girls for the amazing birthday presents!  What a pleasant surprise to come to school on a cold Wednesday morning and know that you guys were thinking about me!  I love you all!  

I have the BEST group of first graders!  

This week in learning we will have the same reading skills that were planned for last week.  We will read "A Trip to Washington D.C."; blend and read words with oa, ow sounds; distinguish between facts and details; read and recognize three letter consonant blends; and use adjectives that describe nouns.

In Math we will identify and create objects with 2D shapes.

In Science we will review weather and seasons.

In Social Studies we will build map skills and identify the 4 cardinal directions.  (North, East, South, West)

We have been working EXTREMELY hard this year and we would like to share some of the wonderful things that have been going on in our classroom.  We hope to see you all next week at Open House. 

Upcoming Events...
March 5...Report Cards
March 10...Open House
March 16-20...Spring Break
March 25...Spring Group Pictures
May 13...Tyler Zoo

It was a busy and very out of routine schedule for us last week. During the rain, sleet and snow, we took some time to enjoy the beautiful snow!  

Have a blessed week!