Sunday, February 26, 2017

Feb 27-Mar 3, 2017 Week 26

We're back!  To catch up with the last couple of weeks we have been busy busy busy working on fractions, drawing conclusions, reading new sight words, and doing the Valentine boogie!  We sent Flat Stanley out on his journey and have already gotten a few Flat Stanley's back.  We can't wait for all of them to arrive back so that we can see all the places he went.

We will read "Cinderella."  It is a fairy tale that has been told over and over. Our reading skills are to blend and read vowel digraphs ea; identify the theme; name adjectives; add endings, possessives; and Saxon Phonics.

In Math we tell time to the half-hour; and continue fractions.

In Science we will learn about recycling.

In Social Studies we will discuss the natural characteristics of the environment.

Upcoming Events...
March 2 ~ Dr Seuss Day
March 7 ~ Open House/Kona Ice
March 8 ~ Planetarium (cost is $4)
March 13-17 ~ Spring Break

Lots of events going on over the last couple of weeks in our classroom...            
                 Flat Stanley at the Russell Stover Plant

                                    Flat Stanley at a hospital in California!

                                             Flat Stanley in sunny Florida!

                               Congrats Bella for earning 50 AR points!

                                                Primetime Reading Groups!

Eating adjectives! 

                          Having fun with friends at the Valentine Dance!

Living and Nonliving
Comparing Earthworms and Gummy Worms!

Mykirea and I were twins on Valentines Day!
Thanks for visiting us!  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 6-19, 2017 Week 23

We made it to the 100th day of school!  Where has the time gone?  Now we will start out countdown until Spring Break!  We will have some busy days until then.

We will read "I'm a Caterpillar."  It is Literary Nonfiction and is told like a story, but it's about something that really happens.  It is about the life cycle of a caterpillar.  Our reading skills r-controlled vowels er/ir/ur/; fact and opinion; verbs: am is, are, was, were; contractions; and Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will learn about financial literacy.  We will learn to identify goods and services, needs and wants, and how to make choices about what we need.

In Science we will explore rocks.  Please have your child bring a small rock to class.  We will examine and compare types of rocks.  We will also begin our study of conservation - Recycling.

In Social Studies we will identify landforms such as mountains, hills, valleys, plains etc.

February 14 - Valentine Party (Please send $2 by Friday)
February 20 - No School
February 23 - Math/Science Carnival
March 7 - Open House 6-7pm
March13-17 - Spring Break

We tackled the Math and Reading Benchmark Tests.  We used magnifying lenses to carefully double check our answers!  :)

Happy 100's Day!

Our 100's Day Projects were Out of Sight!

                                      Greenlei was just 6 yesterday and today she looks 100!


Our Primetime Reading group went on a word hunt to find 100 words,
 Charley and Eli were the first to write 100 words! 

We are 100 days smarter!  We can count to 120, tell time to the hour, READ, add and subtract, identify story details, name the seasons, identify coins, tell facts about certain historical figures. That's just part of what we know. Just wait until the end of the school year! BAM!  We are 100 days SMARTER!

Let's not forget we are AR whizzes!  Congrats to sweet Bella for earning 50 AR points!She will get her AR shirt on Tuesday.  
See Bella in her AR shirt next week!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2017 Week 22

We will be mid year testing this week in reading and math.  Please help your child get to school on time so that they don't miss any instruction.  

Since we are testing we will stay on the same reading story this week, "Frog and Toad Together."  Our reading skills are to identify author's purpose; endings -ed, -ing; verbs for past and future;
 r-controlled vowel -ar; practicing Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will continue to recognize, identify the value and count coins.  We are enjoying our money songs.  Ask your child to sing a few of them to you.  "Money Money Money Money!"

In Science we will further explore Natural Resources and focus on soil and rocks.  We will compare rocks by observing the texture, color, size.  Students will need to bring a small rock to class.

In Social Studies we will continue to discuss historical figures of the past.  We have discussed Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln.  We will integrate writing about them into the lesson and create a craft likeness of them.

Upcoming Events...
February 2 - 100th Day of School (make or wear something w/100)
February 14 - Valentine Party/ Valentine Dance in gym
February 20 - No School (Staff Development)
February 23 - Math/Science Carnival 
March 7 - Open House 6-7pm
March 13-17  Spring Break

I love my class!  They have absolutely EXCEEDED my expectations in AR reading!  Each week I'm amazed at how many of them are awarded a red or blue AR shirt for earning 25 or 50 points!  You are a great example for others!  Keep up the excellent reading!  You are ALL READER LEADERS at CES!
Congrats to Charley and Aaron for being AR stars! Charley earned 50 AR points and Aaron earned 25 points! They are reading up a storm!  Terrific Job! 

During Math Marathon we were introduced to some upcoming skills.  In our class we measured using non-standard units.  We didn't use inches, we measured with paper clips.  How many paper clips long was...?

                                                        WAIT!  That's Ms. Harris' foot!

Measuring is an engaging math skill. We can't wait until we get to this unit and learn more ways to measure using other items!  

Thanks a bunch for stopping by!  Next week we will highlight 100's Day projects and activities!  Have a wonderful week!