Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 20-24 Week 9

Wow!  Time is flying by!  We have learned so many new things since school started.  This week we will be reading "The Farmer in the Hat."  It is a fiction story about children making masks for a class play.  Our skills are to blend and read long a-e words, (cake, bake, snake, etc.), review cause and effect, identify proper nouns, and read and sort words with soft c and soft g sounds. (Examples as in circle, and giraffe).  Our math focus is place value.  We have many fun hands on activities to build on this skill.  In science we will learn about light, sound, and motion.   For social studies we will discuss family responsibilities and identify needs and wants.

Thanks to Mrs. Harrison and CES PTO for the birthday books for the boys and girls.  They were so happy to get them! 

Upcoming Events
October 23 - Picture Retakes  
October 30 - Progress Reports 
 November 4 - 50th Day of School 
November 11- Reading and Writing Night/PTO
November 20 - Stephen Fite Concert 
November 24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays 

 Fun + Learning + Success = Big Happy Smiling Faces!

Eager listening ears!
Sorting blends activity!
Yes Lucas you are correct!
Ta-Da!  Look at what WE did!  Easy as 1-2-3!

Shiloh and Avery share a song!

 Go Madeline and Matti!  Future CHS cheerleaders!

 We even have little Jemma excited about learning digraphs "sh" and "th"!

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