Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween Writing

We read "Monster Stew" and wrote about what would go in our stew.

October 27-31, 2014 Week 10

Here we are at week 10!  The holidays are just around the corner and we will be working fast and furiously to learn all we can before the semester ends.  This week will be very busy as we have KONA ICE returning on Wednesday to sell snowcones, pumpkin math on Thursday, and Halloween and the pep rally on Friday!  Wow!  That is alot!  

We will read "Who Works Here?" It is an informational story that teaches about different jobs that people have in a neighborhood.  Our reading skills will be to discuss the author's purpose for writing a story; blend and read long i words; identify special titles such as Ms. Harris,  Dr. Doolittle, Captain Crunch; and digraphs wh, ch, tch.   

 In math we will continue place value using hands on and flipchart activities.

Science is energy and the way objects move (up, down, zigzag)
In Social Studies we will explore responsibilities in the family and needs and wants. 

Keep reading at home and ask story questions to build comprehension skills.  Remember to practice spelling and sight words as well.  Thanks for your help! 

If you are helping with the pumpkin math activity on Thursday please make sure that you  are here by 1:00.  Please bring a pumpkin, a knife and a carving set to use with the group that you will be working with.  Thanks!

October 30- Progress Reports
October 31-Halloween costumes may be worn to school pls refer to guidelines.
November 4 - 50th Day of School 
Playdough to make spelling and sight words.

Our Dojo reward last week was reading at the park.  We had a ball reading and then taking a break to play.  Here are some highlights of our week...

Our terrific gang!
Our observer Ms. Calsi enjoyed the fun too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday

  Working on place value with partners!  Students rolled dice to find their numbers and then wrote them in standard and expanded notation form.  Great job to all!

Jump Rope for Heart!
Avery, Madeline H., Anursha, and Madeline K.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Marvelous Monday Math

We started place value today.  We had a flip chart activity and we watched Brain Pop Jr to help us understand standard form, and expanded notation using tens and ones.  Students are eager to be the teacher and come to the board to show what they know.  Great job Shiloh!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 20-24 Week 9

Wow!  Time is flying by!  We have learned so many new things since school started.  This week we will be reading "The Farmer in the Hat."  It is a fiction story about children making masks for a class play.  Our skills are to blend and read long a-e words, (cake, bake, snake, etc.), review cause and effect, identify proper nouns, and read and sort words with soft c and soft g sounds. (Examples as in circle, and giraffe).  Our math focus is place value.  We have many fun hands on activities to build on this skill.  In science we will learn about light, sound, and motion.   For social studies we will discuss family responsibilities and identify needs and wants.

Thanks to Mrs. Harrison and CES PTO for the birthday books for the boys and girls.  They were so happy to get them! 

Upcoming Events
October 23 - Picture Retakes  
October 30 - Progress Reports 
 November 4 - 50th Day of School 
November 11- Reading and Writing Night/PTO
November 20 - Stephen Fite Concert 
November 24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays 

 Fun + Learning + Success = Big Happy Smiling Faces!

Eager listening ears!
Sorting blends activity!
Yes Lucas you are correct!
Ta-Da!  Look at what WE did!  Easy as 1-2-3!

Shiloh and Avery share a song!

 Go Madeline and Matti!  Future CHS cheerleaders!

 We even have little Jemma excited about learning digraphs "sh" and "th"!

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 13-17 Week 8

This week we will be reading "A Big Fish for Max".  It is a make-believe story filled with digraphs "sh" and "th" words.  We will learn the vowel sound in ball: a, al.  We will also sequence stories and identify common nouns.  We will write a friendly letter to our parents.   In Saxon we will decode, blend and read words.  Please note that we have 12 words now.  The asterick words  (of, to) are sight words that your child needs to learn to spell as well.  In math we will tell time to the hour using analog and digital clocks. For science we will learn about the forms of energy such as light, sound, and motion. We will finish our unit on USA symbols. 

The deadline to pay for the Stephen Fite concert is Monday, October 13.  If you plan on your child attending please send money on Monday.  Thank you!

Thanks again parents for a great parent/teacher conference turnout.  You are the best!

 Our class thanks Mrs. Kilgore for donating bags and bags of can goods in our honor for the food drive.  We appreciate you!   :)

 Remember to keep reading every night with your child. Practice spelling and sight words!  Thanks for using the homework tic-tac-toe activities when practicing your words.  The different activities make learning the words so much fun!  

We had a fun day on Friday!  We walked over to watch the circus workers put up the big top.  It was surprising to learn how much goes into getting things ready for a show.  We saw a tiger, and some dogs and a two horses.  The big beautiful horse was named Wyatt.  Our Wyatt enjoyed that! :)  Then after lunch we went to the high school to the pep rally.  The boys and girls had fun cheering and seeing all the action.  I always enjoy the pep rally and getting to see some of my students that I had in first grade.  :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Reading Strategies and Learning Websites to Use at Home with Your Child

Hey parents here are some reading strategies to use at home to increase your child's reading comprehension.  Please ask these questions before, during, and after reading.  

-What is the title?  (point to it)
-Take a picture walk  (look only at the pictures)
-Where is the setting?
-Who are the characters?
-Tell the beginning, middle, and end
-What is the main idea?
-What are the details?
-Is there a problem in the story?
-What is your favorite part?
-Why did the author write the story?  (was it to persuade, inform, or entertain)
-Is the story real or make-believe?   (tell how you know) 

Links for Learning 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 6-10 Week 7

Wow!  I can't believe that we have finished the first six weeks of school!  We have learned so much over the past few weeks

This week we will read "Animal Park".  Our reading skills will be blending and reading short u words; identify cause and effect; read and write exclamatory sentences; introduce antonyms; identify and sort words with final blends; and read fairy tales and folktales.  We will practice our daily Saxon phonics to decode, blend and read words.  In math we will continue addition and subtraction.  In science we will identify the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).  For social studies we will identify the symbols, customs, and celebrations in the USA. 

I will start parent/teacher conferences this week.  Please remember your conference time.  I look forward to conferencing with you about your child.  :)

We need bottle caps!  Please send if you have any at home.  

                               Upcoming events...

Report Card conferences starting October 7-17

We will go to the pep rally at the high school on Friday October 10.

Please send $6 by October 13 for the music concert.

Picture retakes will be October 23.

 Happy Birthday!!!
Oscar - October 7 
Wyatt- October 17
Hunter - October 20
Lucas - October 25

Snacks this week are Emily, Heidy, Jordyn and Aden.  
Thanks to all our friends who brought last week!  We appreciate you bringing snacks for us to munch on while listening to Junie B. Jones' hilarious adventures!

We love learning on the IPADS!

                                      Practicing our spelling words!

                      Taking a second to smile for the camera!
                                           Friends helping each other!
                                           About to get started!