Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 23-27, 2018 Week 33

We are 4 weeks away from school being out!  We are still learning new skills and reviewing past skills that we've already learned.  Even though we don't have homework anymore, please keep reading and practicing math skills at home.

This week we will read "Mole and the Baby Bird."  Our reading skills are to read diphthongs ou, ow; draw conclusions;  dictionary skills; identify pronouns; and Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will continue Linear Measurement.  This week we will measure with paperclips, marshmallows, and unifix cubes.

In Science we will conclude our unit on animals and their environments.

In Social Studies we will end our unit on maps and places.

Upcoming Events...
April 23 ~ Kona Ice
April 27 ~ TAMU Play
May 1 ~ CES Spring Music Program
May 4 ~ Field Day
May 10 ~ Glow Bowling
May 11 ~ First Grade Picnic

Matty, TyShaye and Parker got their "Flat Stanley's" back. 
 So far "Flat Stanley" has traveled to Oregon, Maine and Greenville! 

We matched animals and their homes!

                                          Tyler Zoo Trip

Thanks for dropping in this week!  

Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 16-20, 2018 Week 32

Is it Spring or Winter?  Hmmm!  We can't seem to figure that out when we go out to recess.  LOL!  Whatever it is we enjoy our recess time outside!  Students are using skills that they have learned by identifying living and nonliving things.  We had some baby bunnies on the playground hiding under some mulch. They were saying  that they were living things and discussing what they needed to survive. LOL!  You can make so many things a learning experience!  

We had to cancel and reschedule the zoo trip for this Wednesday, April 18.  Please remember a sack lunch and two drinks.  Wear tennis shoes or comfortable walking shoes.  We will leave at 8:15.

We will not have any more homework this year.  Thanks parents for your help and support with reading and math.  We couldn't have done it without you!  I will continue to send a weekly newsletter every Monday.  Also remember to check your child's folder and backpack throughout the week for important school information.

We will read "Tippy Toe Chick Go!"  It is an animal fantasy story that is about a smart little chick.  Our reading skills are to read words with diphthongs ou, ow; identify the characters, setting and plot; read words with final stable -le; read and write an imperative sentence (a sentence that gives a command); and practice Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will continue to measure with nonstandard units.  We will use cubes, paperclips, marshmallows, etc.  In first grade we practice measuring with lots of objects and focus on starting exactly at the beginning of the object to the end and count how many objects long or wide it is.  

In Science we will continue to explore animals and animal habitats.  We will discuss what specific animals eat, where they live, what their babies look like, etc.

                                     A nest - bird habitat           

In Social Studies we will continue to read and label maps and places.

Upcoming Events...
April 18 - Tyler Zoo 
April 23 - Kona Ice 
April 27 - TAMU Play
May 1 - Spring Music Program
May 3 - Progress Reports
May 4 - Field Day
May 7 - Mothers Day Cake Decorations
May 8 - Kona Ice
May 10 - AR GLow Bowling
May 11 - First Grade Picnic
May 18 - Last Day of School

                         Congrats Joelle, Brailynn, and Jemma!
                         25 AR Points!  Reading Stars! Yahoo!

 We had some Flat Stanley's that came back to us on Friday.  I can't wait to open them on Monday for the students to see where they traveled. 

Have a great week!  Thanks for stopping in to see us! 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

April 9-13, 2018 Week 31

We are on the downhill stretch now!  Can you believe that school will be out next month?!!!  We have done so much this year and it went by FAST!  We still have more learning, so please keep reading at home.  Don't stop... read every night to build fluency!  

We will read "Henry and Mudge" this week.  The genre of this story is Realistic Fiction.  It is a story that seems real but is made up.  Our reading skills are read words with suffixes -ly, -ful; adjectives; identify cause and effect; review compound words; and Saxon Phonics.

In Math we will learn nonstandard measurement.  We will learn linear measurement and use cubes, paperclips, blocks, marshmallows, etc to practice measuring.  

In Science we will learn about animals and animal habitats. We will investigate animals, their young, what they eat, and where they live.  We will discuss and take a preview of some of the animals that we will see at the Tyler Zoo.

In Social Studies we will discuss exploring places and continue to read and label maps.

April 13 ~ Tyler Zoo Trip (sack lunch needed)
April 16-25  Benchmark Testing 
April 23 ~ Kona Ice
April 25 ~ TPRI Testing
April 27 ~ TAMU Play
May 1 ~ CES Spring Musical
May 7 ~ Mother's Day Cake Decoration
May 8 ~ End of Year Reading Test
May 8 ~ Kona Ice
May 10 ~ AR Glow Bowling  (sack lunch needed)
May 11 ~ First Grade Picnic at City Park
May 18 ~ Last Day of School

A-Team Field Trip! Students with good attendance got to go to the TAMU Planetarium and then to the park for a special day of fun!  We had a great time!  Congrats to all our friends! 
                                      A-Team at City Park!

Thanks Tessa for the hand sewn frog!  
You are so creative!

I love reading this!  So glad that you love school! 
Makes my ❤ happy!

We share the same taste in chips!  Yum!

Fun Centers in Class!

More friends are happily mailing their "Flat Stanleys!"

                                        Lunch in the Arboreadum!

                                  Congrats Tessa and Aidan for mastering 
                                                           70 addition facts in 7 minutes! 

                                                      Jemma enjoying the 85 degree 
                                                      Spring weather today at recess! ☼
                                  Mrs. Miller surprises Zanariya!  ❤
                                                TAMU Children's Museum

Yummy Easter snacks!

Whew!  We have had a busy last couple of weeks!  

Thanks for peeking in!   See you next week!
                                 ♥♥♥ Ms. Harris' Class ♥♥♥