Friday, September 26, 2014

September 29-October 3 Week 6

 I will send home parent/teacher report card conference times on Monday.  Please sign and return.  If you need another time please let me know.

October 6 - No School (Staff Development)
October 7-17 Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 13- $6 due to attend concert in Sulphur Springs
October 16- International Night
October 23 - Picture Retakes

Our reading story is "Get the Egg".  We will continue main idea and details; identify interrogative sentences (asking sentences); read words with initial blends; and short e vowel sound.  We will decode, blend and read words using Saxon phonics.

We will continue drawing pictures to solve word problems and use manipulatives to subtract in math.  In science we are enjoying learning about the properties and three states of matter (liquid, solid, gas) and in Social Studies we will learn to recognize the symbols, customs and celebrations in America.

Fun Friday!

We just finished our morning math meeting calendar time.
We took a brain break with GoNoodle!
We made main idea tacos!
Our reading story was "A Fox and a Kit" we learned facts about a fox.
                                        Sweet Robert was dressed for homecoming!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thanks to our fabulously creative room parent Mrs. Harrison for decorating our door during homecoming week!  You are TIGERific! 

Sharing a special lunch together!

September 22-26 5th Week

We are reading "A Fox and a Kit" this week.

Reading skills are to identify the main idea and details in a story; plural-s; inflectional ending -ing; abc order and write declarative sentences.

In Math we will continue addition and begin subtraction.

In Science we will learn to identify the properties of matter.

For Social Studies we will learn about USA symbols, customs, and celebrations.

Report Card Conferences will begin on October 7-17. I will be sending out conference times in next Monday's red folder.  Please let me know if that time will work or if you need to reschedule.

Please remember to save us your clear bottle caps to use for activities in the classroom.

Snacks this week are Wyatt, Robert, and Trinity.  A BIG thanks to all who have brought snacks already! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Water Cycle Wheel

                       The Three Little Pigs! ...How did they get in here?  :)

September 15-19 4th Week of School

 Snacks this week are Anursha, Madeline H., Lucas, Yael, and
Madeline Grace.

September 17-Fall Pictures/Shot Clinic
September 26-Homecoming
September 18-Progress Reports
October 7-17 Report Card Conferences (I will be contacting everyone soon for times)

This week we will be reading "The Big Blue Ox."
We will blend and read short o words, identify character and setting, predicates, plural-s
 and synonyms.
We will have our first spelling test that will come from Saxon phonics words.

In math we will learn addition and subtraction facts.
Science objective is properties and patterns.
Social Studies will focus on time is important and understanding time order words.

Parents I am saving clear bottle caps to use for hands-on reading and math activities.  Please save your bottle caps and send to us.  Clear water bottle caps work best for our activties!  Thanks!

We finished our unit on weather and ended it with making a water cycle wheel.  Have your child sing the water cycle song and talk about evaporation, condensation and precipitation.  We also have a science journal that has the 4 components of weather and the weather tools that we made over the last couple of weeks. We learned about temperature, cloud cover, rain gauges, and weather vanes.  We will add to our journal each week.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Remember these dates: 
Sept .9 - Back to School Bash @ CHS @ 5-7:30
Sept. 17 - Fall Pictures/Shot Clinic                                                                                                       Sept. 18 - Progress Reports 
Sept. 26 - Homecoming
Oct. 7-17 Parent/Teacher Report Card Conferences                      

We are finally here! Welcome to Ms. Harris' First Grade blog. I hope that as we go through this school year you will follow our learning adventures!

We read "If  You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and made a cookie graph.

Chocolate Chip had the most votes!  Yummy!
We made a bubbles to celebrate the first week of school!