Friday, October 10, 2014

October 13-17 Week 8

This week we will be reading "A Big Fish for Max".  It is a make-believe story filled with digraphs "sh" and "th" words.  We will learn the vowel sound in ball: a, al.  We will also sequence stories and identify common nouns.  We will write a friendly letter to our parents.   In Saxon we will decode, blend and read words.  Please note that we have 12 words now.  The asterick words  (of, to) are sight words that your child needs to learn to spell as well.  In math we will tell time to the hour using analog and digital clocks. For science we will learn about the forms of energy such as light, sound, and motion. We will finish our unit on USA symbols. 

The deadline to pay for the Stephen Fite concert is Monday, October 13.  If you plan on your child attending please send money on Monday.  Thank you!

Thanks again parents for a great parent/teacher conference turnout.  You are the best!

 Our class thanks Mrs. Kilgore for donating bags and bags of can goods in our honor for the food drive.  We appreciate you!   :)

 Remember to keep reading every night with your child. Practice spelling and sight words!  Thanks for using the homework tic-tac-toe activities when practicing your words.  The different activities make learning the words so much fun!  

We had a fun day on Friday!  We walked over to watch the circus workers put up the big top.  It was surprising to learn how much goes into getting things ready for a show.  We saw a tiger, and some dogs and a two horses.  The big beautiful horse was named Wyatt.  Our Wyatt enjoyed that! :)  Then after lunch we went to the high school to the pep rally.  The boys and girls had fun cheering and seeing all the action.  I always enjoy the pep rally and getting to see some of my students that I had in first grade.  :)

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